CCN留学中国预科教育联盟-国际预科课程 (International Foundation Programme of China Campus Network)

CCN 联盟国际预科课程由37所大学联合设立,受成员大学所承认、课程密集学制短、注重学科基础、本科录取率100%、100%学生获得奖学金、为留华大马学生进入中国985/211/双一流大学本科最佳跳板!


2018年1月15日,墨西哥首都,墨西哥城市中心,留学中国预科教育联盟(以下简称CCN)墨西哥及拉美办事处正式成立!为推广CCN在墨西哥的品牌建立,以及留学中国理念的宣传和招生工作,CCN 墨西哥及拉美办事处自成立起开展了一系列精彩的推广活动,打开拉美的留学中国市场。

On the 15th of January, 2018, China Campus Network officially opened its Mexico & Latin America office in the heart of Mexico City. Mexico & Latin America office lanuched a series of promotion campaign to establish Study in China brand value and open its market

办事处正式成立的第二天,办事处负责人 Andrés Díaz Bedolla 受邀参加墨西哥全国商会主席会议。会议主题为展望2018年墨西哥经济发展。Andrés 以教育交流促进中墨经济合作为主题,向在座墨西哥各商会主席介绍中国对外投资对于墨西哥经济发展的机遇,以及留学中国对于墨西哥学生全球职业发展的重要意义。演讲大获成功,会后,Andrés 再一次受邀,参加一个月后墨西哥坎佩切省的教育展会,将中国机会,世界共享的讯息带到更多的地方。

On the 17th of January, CCN Mexico’s CEO, Andrés Díaz Bedolla, attended the National President’s meeting at the Confederation of National Chambers of Commerce in Mexico City where the main topic was: Mexico’s economic perspectives for 2018. He discussed the importance of education as means to develop a stronger relationship with China. The meeting was so successful that Andres was invited to lead a conference about “Opportunities in China” on the 15th of February in the State of Campeche.

1月23日,Andrés 访问伊比利亚美洲大学。大学商学院院长热情接待了 CCN 墨西哥办事处的来访,并邀请 Andrés 担任商学院技术委员会成员。伊比利亚美洲大学与 CCN 墨西哥办事处达成协议,将 CCN 创业营作为学分项目正式纳入教学大纲中。

On the 23rd of January, Andrés Díaz Bedolla visited Universidad Iberoamericana where he met with the Business School’s heads of each degree and was invited to be part of the Business School’s Technical Council. The University announced in that meeting that CCN’s Leading Entrepreneurs Acceleration Program would be an institutional program with the full support of the University for credit validation and promotion.

1月31日,Andrés 前往德斯科科,在查宾戈农业大学教育合作座谈会上进行宣讲,探讨教育发展的创新机遇。他向与会的墨西哥教育届人士以及墨西哥三大高校的院长详细介绍了 CCN 留学中国的品牌优势以及中文预科项目为留学生学习学位课程所打下的坚实基础和全面准备。

On the 31st, Andrés Día Bedolla was invited to speak at the Chapingo Agriculture University inTexcoco, Mexico. The purpose of the conference was to introduce the innovation opportunities for the region through academic cooperation. The deans from the three biggest universities in the region suggested the possibility of opening a CCN Centre in the city where students could study Chinese language and prepare for academic programs in China.

2月4日,Andrés 出席墨西哥中国文化中心举办的“欢度新春”庆祝活动。中国驻墨西哥大使邱小琪与 Andres 亲切交谈,讨论两国文化与教育交流前景,共同感受新年气氛。

On February 4th, Andrés Díaz Bedolla was invited by the Centre for Chinese Culture in Mexico to attend the beginning of the Chinese New Year celebrations in Mexico City. He had the opportunity to introduce China Campus Network to Mr. Qui Xiaoqi, Chinese Ambassador to Mexico and was invited to the Embassy’s celebration on Saturday the 10th of February.



CCN 联盟国际预科课程由37所大学联合设立,受成员大学所承认、课程密集学制短、注重学科基础、本科录取率100%、100%学生获得奖学金、为留华大马学生进入中国985/211/双一流大学本科最佳跳板!
